On this page, you can create your anaglyph (3D) image or gif animation , visible with red / cyan glasses
For this purpose, you can take your camera, must not move, you aim the camera using left eye, take your photo by focusing on one point and get your picture.
Then, without moving, you target the same point using right eye and shoot right
This page will enable this set of two images processing, and produce an anaglyph, image which relief is visible when using very cheap red and blue glasses.
It 's possible on this page to process multiple set of left and right images , and therefore obtain tridimensional animated gif
One or several photos "left eye" in the left window. The photo(s) "right eye" in the right window. Of course same amount of photos in each window.
Important : in each loading window , wait until it is written " finished loading ".
When both windows are loaded, press ENTER
It should be noticed if you do'nt do 3D as you loaded different images in each window, sometimes a nice effect of blending of two transparent images can be obtained (see below). NO MORE THAN 50 images.